Five for Friday {Linky Party.. August 30th}
Happy Friday! We are linking up with Kacey from Doodle Bugs this week to share 5 random things from today or this past week. Mrs. K is going to share her week of back-to-school workshop fun!
1) Introductions galore: There were new staff introductions at the Jr/Sr high staff meeting on Tuesday morning, new staff introductions at the school board meeting Tuesday night, new staff introductions at the district meeting on Wednesday morning, and new staff introductions at last night’s 7th and 8th grade orientation/open house. On the other hand, everyone at my school is so friendly and so passionate about education. I hear angels singing whenever my principal opens her mouth. Honest.
2) Wall decor: This is the perfect poster! It combines two of my loves: history and literacy.
3) Desk layout: We are going to be working in cooperative learning groups almost everyday. The desks are arranged in groups of four, and we will be going over the student roles in class next week (Facilitator, Recorder, Summarizer, Presenter).
4) Bulletin Board Inspiration: I love this link! “What Questions Do We Ask of the Past?” inspired one of the two tiny bulletin boards my windowless classroom.
5) Open-House Night: Last night we had the seventh grade students come to school with their parents, practice getting into their lockers (struggle!), walk their schedules, and meet their teachers. Have I mentioned I love middle school students?? After two years of teaching multiple social studies courses for students in grades 6-12, I am SO excited to teach one course to 140 seventh grade kids! They are my favorite :)
Happy Long Weekend! Don’t forget to pencil in some fun!
-Mrs. K